Friday, July 23, 2021

He Provides

This message is very important to me as a reminder that no matter what I am going through, what hardship I am facing, God always provides. It is so awesome to look back after a rough situation and see the influential points of where God has allowed, shaped and directed his perfect will. Personally, it seems the consistent theme time after time is God always is wanting to be a blessing in my life, how He is larger than what I am going through. 

I am reminded of a teaching Jesus made to his followers about not worrying. He explained that you have value and he will provide for your needs. I love this idea that God even cares about the little things. He is a good Father. "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26) 

When the road is dark and hard to find
When it seems no way to the other side
The Lord Provides
He Provides
Impossible has left you far behind
When a miracle is a prayer signified
The Lord Provides
He Provides

Why can’t we
surrender to our God
who longs to be more than a blessing of our life
When will we
be faithful to the promise
of our Father who is waiting to show
He Provides

You know when you’re faced with dismay
Tangled in obstructions and lost your way
The Lord Provides
He Provides

Constantly aware of the situation
He’s the steps before your destination
The Lord Provides
He Provides